11th – 17th March 2023
Seefeld in Tyrol


Medal ranking

9Czech Republic11

Live Stream der Eröffnung­sfeier

12.03.2023 17:55 – 20:00 Uhr

auf Streamster

Welcome to Austria.

Welcome to Seefeld in Tyrol.

The Virtus Skiing World Championships will take place in Austria for the first time in 2023.

Seefeld in Tyrol will be the home of winter sports athletes with mental disabilities for one week. The athletes will compete in four Nordic and four Alpine disciplines.

The LOC (Local Organizing Committee) of the Nordic FIS Ski World Championships 2019 in Seefeld is significantly involved in the organization and realization of the World Championships. This guarantees that the competitions will be memorable and successful for the participants.

See you in Seefeld!

Die Virtus Ski Weltmeisterschaft ist eröffnet!

Let’s look forward to successful world championships

and a festival of friendship.

“For the Austrian team, the World Championships will definitely be a highlight – and one can also hope for one or the other medal – the ÖBSV mentally handicapped ski team was one of the most successful in recent years.”

„We are honored to be the first Austrian venue to host the Virtus Ski World Championships. Both the Alpine and the Nordic sports facilities will present themselves to the athletes in their usual excellent manner.“

„Liebe Sportfreunde! Es ist mir eine Ehre als Vorsitzender des Kompetenzgremiums Mentalbehindertensport (KGM) und nun auch in der planenden und durchführenden Funktion als LOC Co Chef die erste VIRTUS Ski WM in Österreich begleiten zu dürfen. Wir alle geben unser Bestes für eine perfekt organisierte Weltmeisterschaft und freuen uns auf viele begeisterte Athletinnen und Athleten sowie Trainer, Betreuer und Fans!“



92 days to go until the Virtus World Skiing Championships: When joy and appreciation lead to success

With a world championship worthy warm-up programme together with Benni Raich and a review of the World Cup cross-country skiing track together with the mentors David Kreiner and Mario Stecher, the cadre athletes of the Austrian Disabled Sports Association started their preparations for the 2023 Virtus Ski World Championships in Seefeld on 8 December.

Report VIRTUS General Assembly in Vichy

From Thu, 6/2/2022 to Sun, 6/5/2022, the VIRTUS General Assembly was held first in Lyon and then in Vichy.

Postponement of the Virtus Skiing World Championships to March 2023

The Virtus World Skiing Championships for people with mental…